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Our Ocean Conference 2018 #SaveTheDate

Senin, 1 Oktober 2018 | 00:00:00 WIB

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia will host the fifth Our Ocean Conference in Bali on 29 and 30 October 2018. Our Ocean Conference is focused on generating commitments and taking actions to maintain the sustainability of our oceans. Since 2014, Our Ocean Conference has successfully generated commitments totaling around 18 billion dollars (USD) and 12.4 million square kilometers of marine protected areas. Our Ocean Conference 2018 will demonstrate significant progress on past commitments and inspire new commitments made for the continuation of a more concerted and integrated actions for protecting the oceans.
Our Ocean Conference 2018 will convene participants from countries across the globe to ensure diverse perspectives from various stakeholders, including governments, commercial sectors, financing entities, scientific communities, civil society organizations, and young leaders. Heads of States, Ministers, and champions from various backgrounds will also be invited to influence concrete and actionable commitments to preserve the oceans' health.






Link Website OOC 2018: http://ourocean2018.org/




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