Webinar The Application of Marine Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ocean Development: Best Practices of Indonesia Marine Spatial Planning

Senin, 23 November 2020

Indonesia through the MMAF coordinated with Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs and AIS Secretariat will hold a Webinar as a series of side events of the 5th Senior Official Meeting and the 3rd Ministerial Meeting of the AIS Forum. This webinar aims to share best practices of Indonesia MSP and encourage participant countries to develop and implement Marine Spatial Planning for managing and regulating the marine and coastal areas. How marine spatial planning in Indonesia is developed, the policy of marine space planning in Indonesia, and the role of marine spatial planning for sustainable marine development will be thoroughly discussed with speakers who are experienced in their fields. Online webinar entitled "The Application of Marine Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ocean Development: Best Practices of Indonesia Marine Spatial Planning" will be held on :


Tuesday/ 1st December 2020
10 AM - 12 PM (Jakarta UTC+7)


Come join via Zoom at the link:
or Streaming via Youtube at Direktorat Perencanaan Ruang Laut


Agenda :
Opening Remarks from Prof. Tri Widodo, M.Ec. Dev., Ph.D (Acting Deputy for Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy – Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs)
Keynote Speech from Dr. Tb. Haeru Rahayu, A.Pi., M.Sc (Acting Director General of Marine Spatial Management - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF)

Discussion and presentation of the topic will be lead by facilitator from Dr. Alan F. Koropitan (Senior Advisor on Maritime Issues at Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia)

Speakers :
1. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc (Director of Marine Spatial Planning - MMAF)
2. Dr. Putu Oktavia (Researcher at Research Center for Infrastructure and Regional Development - ITB)
3. Wenwen, S.Si, M.Sc (Marine Spatial Planning Technical Lead - USAID SEA Project)
4. Ir. Wahju Wijaya Laksana N, MM (Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries - East Java Province)
5. Ir. Nilfa Rasyid (Coordinator for National Marine Spatial Plan Working Group - MMAF)
6. Muhandis Sidqi, S.Pi, M.Si (Coordinator for Marine Space Utilization Permit Working Group - MMAF)
7. Syofyan Hasan, S.Pi, M.Sc (Coordinator for Strategic Areas Working Group - MMAF)

Host : Dinah Yunitawati, S.T, M.E.Sc.


For further information, please contact us via email at:

Certificates will be provided upon completion of the webinar.



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